How do I geta BIS certificate for import in India

What is BIS in India?

BIS certification is a sign of conformity with the Bureauof Indian Standards (BIS), India's national standard body. BIS certification is important as it ensuresthat the requirements of Indian standards are met, particularly for products in
categories mandated by Indian government.

The development of standardization initiatives, labels,and certifications for quality were coordinated. Improve standardization and control of qualityfor the industry's growth and development, while meeting consumer demand.

To ensure that quality and safety standards are met, theIndian government requires BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards), certification of imports. It ensures that all imported products enterIndia in compliance with Indian standards and regulations. Thiscertification is needed for many imported products, including electronics, machinery and chemicals. This certification includes arigorous testing and verification process carried out by accredited laboratories to verify product compliance. Importersmust obtain BIS certification to ensure that their products are reliable, secure and in line with Indian standards. This will increase consumer confidence and ease their access to the Indian marketplace. BISCertificate for Import in India ensures product quality and conformity with the standard mark.

bis certification

Why isBIS certification necessary?

  • Consumer protection: The BIS certificate serves as a safety net for consumers, ensuring the products that they buy meet the necessary standards of quality and safety. This ensures that products of inferior quality or those deemed hazardous will not be replaced. 
  • Compliance with Indian regulations: According to Indian law, BIS registration is mandatory for certain products. The government demands BIS certifications for certain products. 
  • Safety of the Public and Health: BIS certification is essential for products such as medical devices, electrical appliances, and food items that are effective in ensuring safety and health of the public. When using these products, it is important to follow the rules and regulations. This will help reduce accidents and health risks. 
  • Quality Assurance BIS certification can be achieved by independent testing and inspection. This system of quality assurance ensures that the product is constantly monitored and maintained to its highest performance and quality.
  • Global Trade: A BIS certification can be a requirement to sell products in India. It is a way to ensure that imported products meet the same standards as local ones, ensuring fair compensation for domestic industries and protecting them.
  • Market access: BIS certification is a tool that allows manufacturers to enter the Indian market. It also creates an equal playing field by requiring suppliers to meet similar quality standards. Intellectual property allows products to be traded legally in India
  • Environment issues: BIS Standard may include numerous regulations that address environmental effects and sustainability. The certification confirms the products' compliance with environmental standards. This promotes sustainable and environmentally responsible production.

Why is aBIS certificate important for importing goods

A BIS Certificate for Importation is required to importany product into India. This is due to:

  • Guarantee that the product will be reliable, safe and high-quality 
  • Ensure that the product you are buying meets Indian standards. 
  • Take the advantage over your competitors. 
  • To ensure that the products consumers receive are of high quality, reliable, safe, and risk-free. 
  • Sell the product in the Indian market. 
  • Please submit proof of testing and certification. 
  • Ensure that the product is in compliance with the quality standard and has the mark of the standard on it. 
  • If a product is listed as mandatory certification, it must be BIS certified

What arethe types of BIS certificates for importers?

Importers bring a wide range of products from foreignmanufacturers into India to sell and distribute on the Indian market. The Indian Standard requires that the importedproduct be BIS certified and meet the necessary Quality Standards. Todistribute products in India, the manufacturer must have a BIS Import Certificate. Importers are required to ensure that theirmanufacturer has obtained BIS certification via different certification schemes before they can market products in India.

Importers can choose between two different types of BIScertification, depending on the type of product. 

  • The Certification Program for Foreign Manufacturers (BIS FMCS). 
  • Electronics and IT products must be registered with BIS.

All foreign manufacturers are required to appoint a BISAuthorized Indian Rep (AIR) in order to obtain BIS Certification for Import into India under the BIS FMCS Scheme or BIS Registration within the CRS Scheme. The AIR will ask for the BIS certification onbehalf of a foreign manufacturer. AIR is responsible for adhering theIndian BIS Act and the Rules, Regulations and Terms & Condition specified in the BIS Licence Guidelines.

Scheme for Certification of Foreign Manufactures forImporting Goods into India

The Bureau of Indian Standards runs a program for foreignmanufacturer certification that awards BIS Certificates to foreign
manufacturers who use the ISI Mark on their products. The BIS Certificate is valid for any item,except electronics and IT. For the Indian market, foreignmanufacturers must ensure that the product is compliant with Indian Standards
and not their own standards. The FMCS program is required by themanufacturer if the product exported does not relate to electronics or IT.

Scheme for Certification of Compulsory Register

BIS registration is also known as a mandatory scheme forelectronic and IT products. BISsupervises the marking of electronic and IT products and their quality certification. According to the CRS, it is illegal for anyoneto manufacture, trade or circulate a product on the Indian market if BIS certification has not been obtained. Each productmust comply with Indian standards, and display both the standard mark and the unique registration number.

Before launching any electronic or IT products on theIndian market, a BIS registration certificate must be obtained. You must register your electronic and IT itemswith BIS if you are a manufacturer or importer. It isessential to ensure that the product you are importing meets Indian standards in order to obtain BIS registration.

You must obtain a BIS registration through BIS' CRSscheme in order to export electronic and IT products into India. The BIS CRS will only be issued after theself-declaration of conformity with Indian standards.

Validityof BIS Certificates for Import

First time, BIS registration certificates for importsunder Scheme-I may be granted up to two years. Licenses are only valid for the types specifiedin the license. In order to renew a license and expand itscovered varieties, the applicant must submit all the necessary fees and supporting documentation as specified in the existing licence. The licensecan be extended for up to five years beyond its original expiration date.

Bring in Products if there is no BIS

As long as the samples do not have BIS certification,anyone can bring them in for testing. You must inform the authorities that you areimporting goods for testing, research and development. The samplecan only be brought in once per model and you have to follow the clearance procedures.

You do not have to register with BIS if you import itemsfor your personal use. According tothe Department of Electronics & Information Technology, there are no restrictions on items imported by final consumers. Contact usif you have any questions about BIS approval.


As a conclusion, some importers in India are required toregister their products with the BIS. The certification ensures compliance with Indianstandards, and it helps importers to prove their reliability on the market. Importerswho follow the process and submit the required documents can obtain
certification for their product and sell it smoothly.